It’s publication day for THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE, which means this is the last email you’ll get from me for a while! I just wanted to make sure you’re in the know on everything pertaining to the book and its release:-)
Tonight’s the launch party! If you live in Richmond, and want to come celebrate in person, here are all the details. The party is at Monumental Church from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and advanced registration is requested.
If you don’t live in Richmond, never fear. I may very well be coming to a bookstore near you! Here are all the details on my book tour.
Just want to peruse all the nice things people are saying about the book? That’s more than fair! You might particularly enjoy knowing that:
The Washington Post is calling it one of “10 Noteworthy Books for April”
E! News included it in “12 Books to Add to Your Reading List in April”
AARP has listed it among “43 of Our Favorite New Books for Spring”
Goodreads has named it one of “Readers’ Most Anticipated Books for Spring”
BookBub included it among “The Best Historical Fiction of Spring”
Book of the Month is offering it as an April add-on
And the Richmond Times-Dispatch just published a glowing review
But don’t just read about the book. Today’s the day you can actually READ THE BOOK! You can buy the book wherever books are sold, but here are few links to make life extra easy:
Amazon | Apple Books | Barnes & Noble | | Fountain Bookstore | IndieBound | Shelf Life Books
I hope you love the novel, and if you do, please consider rating it on Goodreads and Amazon. When a book has lots of five-star ratings, it makes it all the more enticing to readers who are just discovering it.
Other things you can do to help this book find its people:
If you spot the book in the wild (or on your coffee table!), take a photo and post it to social.
Recommend the book to family and friends. Word of mouth is still the single biggest way books get sold.
Give THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE as a gift. Throughout the spring, you can continue to purchase signed copies at two of my local bookstores, Fountain Bookstore and Shelf Life. Both of these stores will ship to you.
A few extra special things you can do to help me pay it forward:
Tell people who want to read more about the fire that they should check out Meredith Henne Baker’s nonfiction account of the Richmond Theater fire. It’s fabulous.
Support Historic Richmond and the important work they’re doing to preserve Monumental Church for future generations.
Support your local independent bookstore!
That’s it for me. Happy reading!